Dance students at Rawlings Elementary get master class


PINELLAS PARK, Fla. (AP) – Students in the dance-focus program at Marjorie K. Rawlings Elementary Center for the Fine Arts had the opportunity of a lifetime recently: They took a master class with Hope Boykin, a dancer in the world-famous Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater.

Boykin led a master class for about 25 fourth- and fifth-grade students in the dance-focus program and engaged them in 45 minutes of movement that included warming exercises, dance poses with linking steps and gliding, then progressed to step sequence and choreography to jazz and hip-hop music.

Sharon Kuchinski, Rawlings’ fine arts coordinator, said the school offers drama, dance, fine arts including graphic design, chorus and musical instrument programs, and students choose an area of study that they stick with for the school year.

Kuchinski said she worked with Derek Wohlust, education coordinator for the University of Florida Performing Arts, to bring Boykin to the school. The dance company was scheduled to perform at the Phillips Center.

“We’re committed to bringing art to the community and to make real impact on kids,” Wohlust said. “This they will never forget.”

Jaylen Hale, a fifth-grader who participated in the master class, said he learned new moves.

“Dancing makes me happy,” Jaylen said.

Samya West, also a fifth-grader, said the class was both easy and hard.

“She (Boykin) was funny and interesting,” said fifth-grader Layla Robertson.

Alvin Ailey (1931-1989) was an African-American choreographer, activist and founder of the Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater. He’s credited with helping popularize modern dance, and created 79 ballets, including his masterpiece, “Revelations.”

The dance company has performed for 25 million people in theaters in 48 states and in 71 nations on six continents.

Boykin said the dance company has an art education outreach program “to make sure we give back.”

“Alvin Ailey said dance comes from the people and it should go back to the people,” Boykin said. “It’s about dance and music. In my opinion, we’re healing the world.”

Boykin said with an exuberant, loving and organized teacher like Rawlings’ Calypso Meyers, the dance students can’t help but learn.

Meyers said her dance-focus students study one hour of dance each week and an additional 45 minutes four times per week. They learn different techniques, choreography and performance.

“They’re preparing and rehearsing now for the end-of-school performance,” Meyers said. “They have done performances for the open house, Christmas, and Veterans Day.”

Boykin is the dance-focus program’s first world-caliber guest artist, Meyers said. And to prepare for Boykin’s presentation, students learned the history of Alvin Ailey, his dance company, and dancing styles. They also watched video clips of the company’s performances including “Revelations.”

“I loved it,” said Meyers. “I thought she was wonderful and the class was interactive with jazz and hip-hop.”

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