Lindsey’s lesson: Storyline Online

Reporter: Lindsey Sablan
Photo via WINK News

With libraries closed— WINK News is helping you open up your book selection at home.

In today’s Lindsey lesson we are highlighting Storyline online, which is an award-winning children’s literacy website.

You can visit the website and take a look at all the books you can have access to.

The best part is famous actors and actresses read the books to your children.

Lindsey and her kids did the famous rainbow fish. When you visit the website you will see there is animation to go with the reading.

There are also “Teacher activity guides”, which gives you questions to ask your children, to teach them about the lessons learned and character identification.

Rainbowfish— if you’re unfamiliar is about sharing.

Lindsey did the story and activity guide with her four-year-old. After—her daughter went over to her little brother and offered a doll they had been fighting over.

If you want to check out the website to find more information, click on the link here.

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