Harry Chapin Food Bank had an emergency food giveaway on Monday

Reporter: Emma Heaton Writer: Jasmine Singletary
Published: Updated:

An emergency food giveaway for the community was at the Stars Complex in Fort Myers on Monday.

Harry Chapin Food Bank is part of the Feeding America network, that’s getting more food to Southwest Florida.

Feeding America CEO, Claire Babineaux Fontenot said she knows the need will still be there and as long as the need remains, she won’t allow the resources to diminish.

James D’Angelo was at the giveaway and considers himself one of the lucky ones.

“A couple of broken windows. No damage to the roof and destroyed my vehicle,” D’Angelo said.

During the hurricane, D’Angelo and his 88-year-old mother watched their car float away outside their Fort Myers home.

But D’Angelo won’t let tragedy stop him from taking care of his mom. D’Angelo rode his bike to the food bank to get food for his mother.

Volunteers with the Harry Chapin Food Bank put food into cars and arms, one by one at the food giveaway.

Fontenot took part in thanking each and every person and volunteer there.

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