Lee County Sheriff’s Office unveils LCSO Academy

Reporter: Annalise Iraola Writer: Nicholas Karsen
Published: Updated:
Credit: WINK News

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office has officially announced an academy that aims to set the tone for future deputies’ training.

Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno led the announcement early Wednesday, stating that the Criminal Justice Academy cadets will receive hands-on training from instructors.

There are 30 cadets in training to become correctional officers.

Fifty-eight are in training to become law enforcement officers.

Credit: WINK News

WINK News spoke with Marceno about the funding for this program.

“Some people might ask, ‘Where’s the funding and why?’ Well, why is it easy? We need more boots on the street. We need more law enforcement,” said Marceno. “The second is in our existing budget. That’s what covers this police academy. This building was refurbished, and in our budget, we use our budget money to pay for academy classes now and sponsor individuals.”

LCSO stated that hundreds submitted applications for this program and that the dates for the next academy class have not yet been determined.

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