Traffic woes at Six Mile and Colonial diverging diamond

Reporter: Asha Patel
Published: Updated:

How much longer will drivers along this road have to deal with bumper-to-bumper traffic?

We’ve told you about the frustrating traffic on Six Mile and Colonial, where the diverging diamond is now in play.

Whether you’re trying to go left, right or straight, there is congestion and slowdowns. The Florida Department of Transportation told us the volume of traffic is going to be high regardless since this is a popular area.

Drivers we spoke to in the past were hoping to get some relief after the diversion diamond intersection was completed at Colonial Blvd. and near Interstate 75, so we asked FDOT why we are still seeing slowdowns.

One of their senior contractors, Juan Carrillo, told us this because there is still more work to be done, which is why when you drive down this road, you still see many cones and construction workers throughout the day.

“We implemented the diverging diamond back in the middle of July, but the actual project consists of more construction work than the diverging diamond. We still have to implement the continuous flow intersection at Six Mile and Colonial, and we also have to finish the at The Forum and Colonial Blvd., so the actual completion of the project is not done not complete,” Carrillo said.

Now, weather permitting, FDOT hopes all the projects in the area will be completed by November or the beginning of December at the latest.

They said once that’s done, traffic won’t hopefully be as bad and will be able to flow smoother.

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