President Biden writes letter to Lee County student

Reporter: Olivia Jean
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Every day a student in Lee County carries a very special letter around with him. He likes to show it to anyone he can.

The return address is The White House.

Jian Morales struggles to say the words, but he sure can write. That was the point of the letter the 13-year-old Lexington Middle School student wrote to President Joe Biden in April.

“My teacher told me that the president stutters,” Morales said.

When the 8th grader is not in the classroom, he’s actually pen pals with the president.

“He wrote me a letter back. I never thought the president would actually respond back,” Morales said.

Morales’s letter to the president on the left, Biden’s letter back to Morales on the right

Morales was in total shock when a letter from the White House showed up at his school.

With words of support from the president like “character,” “courage,” and “strength, it took him an hour to write his letter, but he said it was so worth it.

“I’m so proud and happy,” Morales said.

Morales said his family is so proud of him. His grandmother will be putting the letter from the president in a frame.

His teacher, Kieran McCaffrey, a paraprofessional said because of his stutter, Morales has trouble expressing himself, which is a problem President Biden struggled with when he was younger.

The president has been open about his stutter issues, which is why McCaffrey encouraged Morales to send the letter.

“I wanted him to have a place to which he could aspire. Now, whether he becomes president or vice president. It’s up to him. He’s a good boy,” McCaffrey said.

Morales told WINK News Reporter Olivia Jean about his passion for art and his desire to become an artist. As he practices his art, he works on his stutter. Morales said, “I’m trying, Mr. President. I’m working on it.”

“The president took a chance too, and we couldn’t be happier,” McCaffrey said.

Morales has some advice for those who may find it hard to get the words out. He said, “Take a deep breath.”

In the letter addressed to Morales, the president said, “I will keep this letter in mind as I work to build a nation in which everyone is treated with dignity and respect.”

Morales has a message for President Biden.

“Thank you for the letter,” Morales said.

He plans to write a thank you letter back to the president.

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