Bicycle safety video to be made to keep you safe on Sanibel Island

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SANIBEL ISLAND, Fla.- It’s your money and thousands of dollars will be spent to make a video about bike safety on Sanibel.

The YouTube video will be geared towards educating you on the rules of the island roads. WINK News found out, bicyclists think this is money well spent.

The purpose of this video is simple, remind people that when you hop on a bike, there are rules to follow. The hope is this six to nine minute video will reach a lot of people through social media, making it safer for everyone.

The power of social media is going to be put to test. This time spreading the message of bicycle safety.

“If we have one person who watches the video and it saves one person from having an accident, I think it’s priceless,” said Billy Kirkland, Owner of Billy’s Rentals.

The short film will cost about $23,000, a lot of that coming straight from your wallet.

“If it saves one person’s life from injury, it’s worth every dollar spent,” Kirkland told WINK News.

Billy Kirkland, owner of Billy’s Rentals, is donating $4,000 to help Sanibel Bicycle Club make the video.
Other bike clubs, the city, and the Visitor’s and Convention Bureau are helping too.

“A little more word spread about these kinds of things would be a dollar well spent,” said bicyclist Christopher Smith.

“The more information that’s out there, especially on YouTube, is so accessible, is money well spent,” said bicyclist Ashley Smith.

The short, instructional video will cover things like bike safety, understanding the rules of a shared roadway and how to prevent accident or injury.

“It’s important, there is a lot of traffic a lot of bikes on the road, I haven’t seen this many bikes, and I’ve been coming for years.”

The Bicycle Club tells WINK News they are thankful there have been no bike fatalities on Sanibel in years, but says there are too many other accidents that can be prevented.

“People not wearing helmets, not stopping where it says to stop for the bikers.”

The bike club is still about $4,000 short, but has confirmed they will raise all the money needed.

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