Lines in for the Redfish Shootout

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PINE ISLAND, Fla. – The 3rd annual Wounded Warrior Anglers Redfish Shootout, kicks off Saturday raising money for the Wounded Warrior Anglers and their programs supporting veterans.

Cash prizes will be awarded to the top anglers who bring in the largest two redfish and one trout:

1st prize – $4,000

2nd prize – $1,750

3rd prize – $1,000

Additional awards and cash will be given to 7th, 13th and 20th places, top prize for the kayak division is $350. Boat division teams are made up of three anglers with an entry of $350 and $100 for each additional angler added to the team. Kayak anglers can enter for $50 per angler.

Several large prizes will also be auctioned off at Saturday’s event, including a custom wrapped Wounded Warrior Angler 2015 NauticStar 2110 Sport Bay fishing boat. As well as a painting entitled “3 generations of veterans,” (pictured below) by artist Rick Kelley.

For additional tournament information or to enter a team in the Redfish Shootout, click here. Teams must enter by 7:00 p.m. Friday night.

Redfish Shootout

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