Trump supporters cheer his Nevada caucus win

Author: Associated Press
Published: Updated:
Michael Vadon/ MGN

WASHINGTON (AP) – A crowd of several hundred supporters gathered at Donald Trump’s Nevada watch party at the Treasure Island hotel in Las Vegas burst into cheers and screams the billionaire businessman won the state’s caucuses.

Some shouted “USA! USA!” as the caucus results rolled in.

Many of the supporters in the crowd are from out-of-state and decided to drop by the celebration while in town.

Trump is expected to address the crowd later Tuesday night.

Nevada caucuses winner Donald Trump was supported by 7 in 10 of those who preferred an outsider, according to early results of the entrance poll conducted for the Associated Press and television networks.

Nevada caucus attendees were more likely than primary or caucus attendees in any state so far to prefer an outsider candidate, the preliminary results show.

Marco Rubio was supported by a majority of Nevada caucus-goers who wanted to support a candidate with political experience over a political outsider.

That’s a silver lining for Rubio. Nevada is the first state where any candidate earned majority support among those wanting a candidate with political experience over an outsider.

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