Coast Guard Prepares for Safe Boating Week


FORT MYERS BEACH. Fla. – Boating and fun on the water is a huge part of life in Southwest Florida and the United States Coast Guard wants to make sure everyone is safe when out enjoying the water throughout the year.

Starting Saturday, May 21st, the Coast Guard at Station Fort Myers Beach is kicking off National Safe Boating Week with an open house from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. the public is invited to tour the Coast Guard station along with some of their response boats, ask questions and learn about how they can stay safe on the water.

Whether you’re an experienced or novice boater, the Coast Guard will have sign ups for free vessel checks as well the opportunity to learn about boating classes for all ages. Fire hose, flare and knot tying demonstrations will also take place.

To learn more about National Safe Boating Week and how you can stay safe on the water, click here. United Sates Coast Guard Station Fort Myers Beach is located at 719 San Carlos Drive, Fort Myers Beach.

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