Police: South Florida man killed teen he solicited online for sex

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Tyquan Pearson. Photo via WPEC.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) The body of a teen found in a plastic storage container buried in a backyard led to murder charges against a man police say solicited her online for sex.

The Broward County Sheriff’s Office said Friday that 25-year-old Tyquan Pearson was arrested in Norfolk, Virginia, and charged with murdering 19-year-old Brittany Taylor.

Surveillance video at a motel near Fort Lauderdale shows Taylor going into a room where Pearson was staying last month. It later shows Pearson wheeling out a blue storage container. Investigators said Pearson’s girlfriend picked him up and drove him to a storage unit. Pearson told her the container had clothes and other items he planned to give away.

But investigators acting on a tip found the container buried in a backyard and discovered Taylor’s decomposing body.

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