Fort Myers Beach landlord accused of making racial slurs, attacking tenant

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Davaughn Oquendo has lived at his home on Fort Myers Beach since last June, and doesn’t know what made his landlord snap.

“Like this makes no sense. We’ve known each other, we hang around each other and we never ever ever had a problem. Until now,” he said.

He says it all started with his landlord—Timothy Musgrave—putting cigarette butts on their outdoor furniture.

Timothy Musgrave

“There’s cigarette butts all over our chair and then a note that says I hate n****s. I looked at the note and flip it to the other side and it’s a piece of mail with his name on it,” Oquendo said.

Oquendo’s roommates say Musgrave posted a new lease on their door, leaving Oquendo and his dog out of it entirely.

“When I walked in the door, he’s better be ready to get he f*** out and then the next day he put a lease on the door,” said Samantha Gonnelly, one of Oquendo’s roommates.

Musgrave told Lee County deputies that his tenants were nothing but “scumbags and losers.” And then when one deputy walked away, that’s when Musgrave lunged at Oquendo and his roommate.

“He comes bursting out the door, screaming I’m going to kill you n*****, I’m going to kill you and that’s when the police threw him down and we went and got a restraining order,” Oquendo said.

“I said where did this come from? Like we’ve never had issues, we’ve been here since June and we’ve never had an argument, no nothing. Where did this misplaced anger come from?” Oquendo added.

Deputies arrested Musgrave, but now his tenants, who are also his neighbors, don’t feel safe going home.

“It’s just like what next, you know? How many times is this gonna happen you know? We’re just going to keep doing this until someone really gets hurt,” said Steven Davis, another one of Oquendo’s roommates.

“If you try to attack me in front of the police, what makes me think that a restraining order’s going to stop you at any other time?” added Oquendo.

Musgrave is reportedly not allowed to stay in his home as of Friday night due to that restraining order. But he is out on bond.

According to his arrest report, there will be an increase in the charges because it was a hate crime.

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