Family terrorized by group of kids

Reporter: Justin Kase
Published: Updated:

A family has been terrorized and harassed for over a year.

They are woken up in the middle of the night to kids wearing ski masks, pounding on, and trying to kick in, the front door.

The homeowner said the harassment stopped when the school year ended back in June and started happening once again when the new school year started.

The family doesn’t know who these kids are or why they’re being targeted by them.

They’re hoping anyone can recognize them and can help them get their peace of mind back.

“They won’t leave us alone,” said Kevin, homeowner. “We’re peaceful people. We haven’t done anything to deserve this.”

Now, imagine that kind of harassment happening to your family for close to a year an a half.

“It did stop for the summer, and as soon as the school started again this year, it started up again. We got people pounding on our door saying, ‘we’re back, F-U,’ saying racial slurs,” Kevin said.

Kevin and his family are fed up, saying they’re losing sleep at night because these kids just won’t leave them alone.

“We are on edge every single weekend when the sun goes down. We are, we’re on edge. I find myself looking out the window trying to see if I can see anybody approaching the property. So, they’re trespassing and harassing. They’re stalking us every weekend. For over a year and a half. It’s got to stop,” Kevin said.

Maybe it’s the shorts or the shoes or the clothing. Kevin just wants you to look at the people who are doing this to his family. He’s desperate for help identifying these kids, so all of this will stop.

“This is a different level. This is a more dangerous level here in Florida. Stand your ground laws, pounding on someone’s door at midnight wearing a ski mask. Not a good recipe,” Kevin said.

Fort Myers Police confirmed they are aware these kids have returned and are once again harassing the family.

Police are looking at all of the available options in terms of what charges these kids could face.

If you think you know who the kids are, call Fort Myers Police.

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