FWC locates litter of newborn critically endangered Florida panther kittens
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has announced the discovery of a trio of panther kittens from a recently born litter.
Although prices for your Thanksgiving turkey and your favorite side dishes have cooled down this year, families are still struggling to put the full dinner on the table. Thanks to a couple of WINK viewers, Turkey Day is possible for one Fort Myers family.
“Thank you so much. Oh my goodness,” Nelson said in tears as she hugged WINK News Consumer Reporter Andryanna Sheppard. “This has made my Thanksgiving complete, my favorite holiday.”
WINK News first told you about Eddie Mae Nelson on Tuesday. Sheppard interviewed her in a Walmart parking lot about her Thanksgiving plans. Nelson told her she couldn’t afford the extravagant feast she normally sets out for her family of 25 this year. That lead to her telling her family she wasn’t going to hold a dinner on her favorite holiday.
“What do you mean you can’t do it?” Nelson recalled her family reacting to the news. “Too expensive! We just can’t do it because everybody looks to me. They say I’m the best cook. I don’t know about that so we have to find somebody else. No, not this year.”
Two WINK viewers wouldn’t allow that. They sent Sheppard emails asking how they could help put Thanksgiving dinner on Nelson’s table. Thursday, Sheppard brought a check and a gift card those viewers donated to Nelson’s door.
“For the ones that sponsored me for this good year, there’s still good people with good hearts,” Nelson said with tears in her eyes. “I love them and so does God, and I thank God for each and every one of them who participated in this gift-giving to me and my family so we can enjoy…and watch football.”
Now Nelson is beyond excited to invite her family into her home on Thanksgiving.
“I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart because they made my Thanksgiving come true for me and my family.”
If you need help making Thanksgiving dinner possible, St. Matthews House has two more “Hope for the Holidays” Turkey Distributions on November 17th in LaBelle and November 20th in Naples.