Polar Bear Plunge on Fort Myers Beach

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FORT MYERS BEACH, Fla.- The 10th annual Polar Bear Plunge is a new year’s day tradition. It takes place at the Outrigger Beach Resort on Estero Boulevard.

The jump into the somewhat chilly gulf water is set for 2 p.m. on Fort Myers Beach.

Some daring polar bears will be taking on the chills and the thrills as they plunge into the Gulf of Mexico.

Now, call it crazy, but there is a twist to this year’s Polar Bear Plunge.

You see, the weather is in the 70s and the water isn’t necessarily “freezing” either. We just checked with event organizers and we’re told the water is a little over 70 degrees. But, it does take some brave souls to take that dip in the gulf and some rules!

You have to get your head wet and go all the way in! And these people polar bears are taking the plunge for Jimmy Bosley, a bartender at Outrigger. Jimmy is battling colon cancer.

Raffle tickers and polar bear t-shirts will be sold to raise money for Jimmy. Everyone is welcome to stay until 5 p.m. To warm up from the plunge into the water.

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