Big warm up for your Tuesday afternoon plans
The Weather Authority is tracking plenty of sunshine, contributing to warmer temperatures this Tuesday.
Construction on the Sunseeker Resort project in Charlotte Harbor resumes Tuesday, resurrecting the potential for more jobs and a boost to the local economy.
The cranes at the resort construction site have been sitting idle for almost a year and a half due to the pandemic. The local water authority is redoing the pipes to prepare for the increase in visitors and infrastructure and the Florida Department of Transportation is in the design phase of widening more than two miles of nearby Harborview Road. They have not started the electrical phase of construction, which takes a long time to do, and the concrete work is not yet finished.
Neighbors WINK News spoke to seem largely indifferent to the renewed construction so far. Some like the idea, though they don’t know how it is going be pulled off. Right now, though, they think the construction is an eyesore. Some tourists from outside of Florida gave their opinions as well.
“Very nice,” said Dale, visiting from Kentucky. “That’s the problem with where we’re at right now. The pool is all dirty, and the kids want a place to swim. Sounds pretty good. If they can get it done.”
“I don’t know what kind of resort it is, but I don’t know how much fun you’re gonna have next to a bridge and dirty water with a little kid,” said John, visiting from Bulgaria. “It’s a good idea, I just don’t know how they’re going to execute it.”
One Punta Gorda resident WINK News spoke to Monday called the Charlotte Harbor area “OTB,” meaning “over the bridge.” He said he has never had a reason to go OTB before, but now he will, because of the Sunseeker Resort, and he says he can’t wait.
The president of Allegiant will visit later in the week to meet with all Charlotte County commissioners. Allegiant expects to close on a $355,000,000 loan agreement within the next month or so.