Family and NAACP continue fighting for justice for Christopher Jordan

Reporter: Haley Zarcone
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This is not the end of the road in this investigation of Christopher Jordan’s death.

Now that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s criminal investigation is done, the Fort Myers Police Department can start to review its own investigation.

It is policy for an officer-involved shooting to be turned over to the FDLE. It’s also policy for a detective with FMPD to notify the state attorney within an hour of the incident.

State attorney Amira Fox said a detective with FMPD heard, “I’ve got one handgun.” That’s when an officer made the decision to shoot.

“Christopher Jordan was playing sounds of automatic rifle fire and making statements to shoot him,” Fox said.

Jordan’s brother, Angelo Ruth, weighed in.

“You don’t come out here and just shoot somebody and just get away with it. That’s not right,” he said.

The officer who pulled the trigger, James Moschella, is not facing criminal charges.

Jordan’s family is missing their loved one on a day that should have a feeling of justice.

“I’m disappointed. It shouldn’t have happened,” Ruth said.

This statement from FMPD on Thursday followed the state attorney’s press conference.

“Any loss of life is a tragedy. Our hearts go out to the Jordan family. We are committed to supporting those affected by this incident and ensuring that all necessary steps are taken to prevent such tragedies in the future.”

What’s to come next for FMPD?

“Our department constantly reviews our policies and procedures to ensure that we are upholding the highest standards of professionalism and safety in all interactions,” FMPD said in the statement.

“Use of force and response to resistance” is one of their policies now under review. This is defined as “a quality or quantity of force that is reasonably likely to cause death or serious
physical injury.”

The NAACP and Jordan’s family said this isn’t the end for them, either.

They said they don’t see the news as justice. Because of that, they said they will hold a protest next week in front of the state attorney’s office.

Revised 5/17/24: WINK News made a revision to the story for the purpose of clarity.

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