Hundreds attend ‘Star Wars’ premieres in Southwest Florida

Reporter: Stephanie Susskind
Published: Updated:

FORT MYERS, Fla.- Hundreds attended the premiere of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” across Southwest FloridaThursday night.

At Edison Park 8 Cinemas in Fort Myers, the movie played on four screens, but the theater is prepared to open a fifth. Ticket sales have been strong. General Manager Mandy Mena says they’ve sold hundreds of tickets for the movie, and she sold 42 to one person just this morning.

She says they sold more than 400 tickets on Thursday night and are expecting even more on Friday. They’ll also have characters, giveaways, contests, and even a Star Wars-themed wedding.

Mena says the movie crosses the generational gap, making it appeal to everyone.

“I grew up with it, my mom took me to see it, so now it’s like ‘wow there’s another one? You know, let me go see that.’ So it’s drawing in people of all ages. I’ve sold tickets to 10, 12 year olds and I’ve sold tickets to seniors, and I think that’s what the big deal is all about.”

“I was like five when the very first movie came out and I can still remember when Darth Vader comes down the hallway and the music and everything like that,” Fleda Evenson, who was taking her daughters to the premiere, said.
“I saw empire strikes when I was a little kid, my dad took us so, I’m a big fan! Now I get to take my daughter,” Lila Shaw said.

The theater is allowing moviegoers to dress in full costumes but is also beefing up security. Mena says they will have additional uniform and undercover officers on hand.

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