American Goldstar Mothers hosts walk honoring veterans

Reporter: Jolena Esperto Writer: Rachel Murphy
Published: Updated:
Flags honoring veterans in a local cemetery (CREDIT: WINK News)

The Goldstar Mothers is hosting a walk through town for military suicide awareness.

Starting in Lake Park, this 2.2-mile walk is part of this year’s Goldstar Mothers and Families Day weekend. The walk began at 8:30 a.m. on Sunday.

American Goldstar Mothers of Southwest Florida is an organization of mothers whose sons and daughters served and died while on duty or are missing in action. American Goldstar Mothers rally with supporters to keep the memory of their sons and daughters alive.

“We want their memories to stay alive. That’s why we’re here today. That and to bring awareness to this unthinkable tragedy of 22 veterans military servicemembers committing suicide on a daily basis. It just has to stop,” said Kim Hayes.

At each interval of the walk, families had an opportunity to share their stories about their own hero.

There is a veteran’s crisis hotline for anyone who may need it. You can dial 988 and then press 1.

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