Waste Pro releases plan to solve trash pickup woes in Cape Coral

Reporter: Justin Kase Writer: Jack Lowenstein
Published: Updated:
Credit: WINK News.

Waste Pro released its plan of action Wednesday in response to lingering garbage on neighborhood streets in parts of Cape Coral. It includes four major changes:

  • Employee recruitment and development
  • Employee retention
  • Service – routes
  • Services – phones

Waste Pro is actively working to hire 25 new employees and advertising upcoming job fairs to make that happen. It’s also increasing pay and benefits to keep the employees it already has.

Waste Pro brought on two subcontractors with five trucks to pick up the slack. It’s also working to improve customer service for people who call in.

Many in Cape Coral already say they’ve noticed a difference recently.

Brian Freeman just got back from vacation, pointing out the piles of trash that lined his neighborhood are no more.

“When we returned, it had all been picked up,” Freeman said. “They don’t have the drivers. They need to bring in other companies to help them out. I applaud that. All I’m looking for is consistency.”

For Todd Williams, his patience is running out.

“If they do what they say they’re going to do, great,” Williams said. “If not, I think it’s time for Cape Coral to find someone new.”

Williams painted the mattresses that have been sitting in front of his home for weeks to get Waste Pro’s attention.

“I thought, you know, let me leave them a note,” Williams said. “I kept it professional, you know. I didn’t write cuss words on it or nothing like that.”

Waste Pro’s action plan also establishes bulk drop-off locations and neighborhood cleanup events.

Williams wants to see results quickly but understands that the company is facing many of their own struggles.

“I know when I get behind in my work, I know … what that means,” Williams said. “That means it’s time for me to work a Saturday, maybe even a Sunday to get caught back up. It happens. It happens to all of us.”

People we spoke to appreciate the companies Waste Pro brought on board to help with trash pickup, but they think that money would be better spent increasing wages for employees or future employees.

MORE: Waste Pro Action Plan Memo 

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